The aim of the school is to maintain a thriving and purposeful community in which all pupils, parents and staff can work together. The school aims to reflect the highest values of our society, giving the children an opportunity to learn about its procedures and develop their own responsibilities towards it.
As a Church of England Voluntary Controlled School we aim to foster the development of Christian ethics and principles within the Curriculum and in the day to day running of the school, through the relationship between those who are part of the school community: children, staff, parents/guardians and governors. We exist for the purpose of educating the whole child: intellectually, physically, morally and socially, according to Christian principles. In this our aims are:
• to give each child experience of a wide programme of study including the requirements of the National Curriculum.
• to make provision for all pupils to develop their academic, moral, social and cultural potential.
• to foster an attitude of care and respect for others through the religious and moral education and through the general ethos of the school.
• to develop skills appropriate to the individual child’s capabilities.
• to stimulate and develop the child’s interests and capabilities.
• to encourage care and respect of the environment and the local community, alongside an awareness of the wider community in which we live.
• to provide equality of opportunity and equality of regard for every member of the school community.
Our Vision Statement:
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you" Matthew 7:7
The Aim of the School for parents/carers is to: Uphold their rights and encourage their participation in the education of their children, and offer a supportive framework where, with mutual respect, open discussion can take place. |
The Aim of the School for the community is to: Recognise and encourage, so far as it is compatible with good educational practice, its right to use the resources of the school, and to actively encourage all members of the community to become involved in certain of the school activities, and to have opportunities to contribute to our school life. |